Sunday 15 November 2009

Audience Research


For part of our audience research we have created a questionnaire which we have handed out to ten people of different ages, ethnicity and gender.
We have 8 questions in total, all to do with the track and original video of ABC by Jackson 5.
We played them the track and showed them the original video throughout the process; the video we showed them can be seen through this link:

A plain example of our questionnaire is presented below and a completed example:

(click on image to enlarge)


A various range of results were collected which allowed us to open our minds to new ides which we could incorporate into the video.

Question 1 - 8 people knew the song and 3 didn't. This proves we have chosen a popular song which most people know or have heard of.

Question 2 - The majority of people claimed the music was 'Poppy' or 'Motown' although 1 person said they though the song was of 'Jazz' genre.

Question 3 - 5 out of ten said they though the theme of this song was love, 4 people said about learning and one said they thought the song was about enjoying life in general. Therefore from these results we can think of ideas which would appropiately incorporate these themes in to the video.

Question 4 - 4 out of 10 poeple said they associated the song with colours, 3 people said children, 2 people said building blocks and 2 person said happiness. Again with these results we can add these ideas into the music video using different scenes and props.

Question 5 - 3 out of 10 people said the song made them feel like they want to dance, 3 people said the song made them happy, 2 person said the song made them feel joyous, 2 people said lively, and 1 said average. From these results we get an understanding of haw we are expected to make out audience feel once they've watched the video.

Question 6 - we decided to write all 10 individuals answers in:

  • Growing up and having an easy social life
  • Childhood
  • Relationships
  • Not Sure
  • An individual who is learning about metaphors to capture a meaning
  • Moving forward in life
  • A song to cheer people up
  • How easy life is
  • Happiness, Love and fun
  • Young love

from these results we can incorporate what people believe the meaning of the song is and use this in the various performances we are going use.

Question 7 - 8 out of 10 people said they thought the original music video went well with the song, and 2 people said they though the music video didn't go with the song.

Question 8 - For this question I have decided to include each individuals answers again:

  • Less distractions
  • Sesame street theme
  • Different races of people dancing
  • more people dancing and more characters
  • Building bloakc and childrens games
  • Rabbits
  • More scenes
  • Storyline
  • Animation of a school theme

These results give us a varied idea of different thing we may incorporate into the video, and ides which the public /audience would enjoy.

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