Tuesday 24 November 2009

Evaluation (Part 1)

In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
We have used different types of shots which are related towards the original Jackson 5 ABC video of them singing live, with the use of head and shoulder close-ups and medium shots, which are the most popular styles of camera shots used within the 70's.

As you can see the medium shots are of similar style and proportion to how they originally shot the video. With he camera placing also very direct, using a shot that shows all 5 members head on. We used this style as with the props that were used we figured this would be the most appropriate form of camera placement. After reviewing other 70's music videos it's noticeable that all the shots are of similar style, most likely due to the lack of technology when compared to todays music videos.
When it comes to editing we decided to contrast to the original video by using short snappy shots to fit into up beat tempo that ABC the song is. We also decided to add the idea of contrasting the video shots as we ended up filming on a dull day, and the expectation of the different types of coloring to our video would be bright and sunny. Therefore we used a contrasting effect in order for our video to appear slightly brighter than the original shooting.

The mise-en-scene had special relation to the original video as we decided to use matching outfits of various colours, similar to the image above, although due to budget issues we used outfits we already had and used different coloured t-shirts to contrast with the large coloured lettering props we had. We also had some large letters in our video which were often used, as we noticed some shots of Jackson 5 when promoting the video included some oversized letters. Therefore to relate to this idea we decided to make some letters which we could use in the performance section of the video.

The idea of this original front cover we also took for our digi-pack idea. As we took images of our group and superimposed them on to large images of the letters "ABC" as if they were interacting with the letters, similar to the image on the left.

We decided we didn't need to use many special effects but we had to use a rotation of one of the shots which included a tree and a love heart image, which goes with the lyric "without the roots of love everyday girl". At first the shot was taken upside down as a minor mistake, and we therefore had to use an effect which rotated the shot and add a background in order to fill the screen.

In terms of the magazine advert we used photoshop as the main programme with the idea of bright colours and a guitar which was one of the main props in the video. We couldn't find any original magazine adverts for jackson 5, so we therefore used our own ideas when designing and making the advertisement. The use of a black background and coloured guitar in the advert ensures the colours stand out more, and the title stands out more.

We attempted to relate the video to a younger audience using these features.

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