Monday 9 November 2009

Further research in to Jackson Fives song ABC allowed me to analyse where the song is used in todays media and the influence its has on particular products.

The most recent Aero advertisment uses the song as a background music to create a catchy, light feeling towards the areo bar it's self. Therefore influencing the publics perception of an Aero chocolate bar.

The song ABC has been used in another advertisment for Evian water. The songs colourful sound and catchy lyrics suit with the amusing notion of babies rollerskating.

(click image to enlarge)
Me and my group collated lots of jackson 5 images as this provides us with inspiration towardas particular mise-en-scene such as the clothing styles and hair styles.

1 comment:

  1. We need information regarding the making of your music video. Where are the plans, storyboards, shooting schedule, filming and editing diary and production photos? There needs to be a lot more work here and you only have 2 weeks left.
