Wednesday 25 November 2009

Evaluation (Part 4)

What have you learnt from the audience feedback?
We decided that we would post a link to youtube in order from members of the public to view the video on Jackson 5's myspace page and on facebook. We managed to gather a some audience feedback from this in the form of postal comments.
These are some of the comments which were posted:

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TNBCN (14 hours ago)  
I liked the letters with fros =D hehe really good
MollyCrosland (4 days ago)  
This is fantastic :D
mbcmaker (5 days ago)  
Really good video! Really enjoyed it! Well thought out, great idea, Fantastic!!! `
EvilHitsHome (5 days ago)  
awesome video
love the big letters :D
missLuda92 (5 days ago)  
Woo im the first viewer! Amazing video, i love how bright and colourful it is (matching the happy style of the song) and the use of the large letters/numbers makes it exaggerated which makes it stand out. I really cant think of any criticisms for it! the only one I have is that maybe the panning shots could have been a bit smoother, but thats the only one =

From these comments under the video posted on youtube we can establish the many positive things people have to say about it, although we only got one criticism which is constructive advice of making he an shot smoother. This is a criticism we realised once the video was finished and if I'm to go back and do it agin this would be something I would concentrate on.

We felt there wasn't enough feedback just from these comments, and therefore decided to show various family members and friends and gather there constructive advice about the pros and cons of the video. We asked each participant the same 2 questions "what do you like about the video?" and "what do you feel could be improved about the video?". By asking questions such as these we were able to gather information about the video its self rather than straight "yes" and "no" answers.
These are a few of the comments which were made:

"I really like the different outfits that you were wearing and the contrast between the big letters. I think to music goes well with the concept"
"I think you could improve an the different types of shots and it could be a little tidier, generally. But i enjoyed watching it"
(college student, aged 17)

"It's fun-filled and a catchy song, and I like the big letters, and the effect were you speed up everything"
"I'm not so keen on the shots shots, it looks a bit messy"
(Family member, aged 45)

"It definitely relates well to they lyrics, and the idea of the song, which would be good for kids. It's cute and bright and silly which is what Jackson 5 is all about"
"I can't think of any bad things to say about it"
(Family friend, aged 24)

"I like the idea of it being a tribute to Michael Jackson as many people were really big fans, and the time and effort put into this video shows respect"
"It looks as if you didn't film quite enough footage and you've added its in everywhere, but it works as it look quirky and it looks as if you had a lot of fun making it"
(close friend, aged 20)

From these comments we can establish that the video is enjoyable to watch and fits in well with the song and lyrics, but the overall filming was a bit messy and could have been tightened up with a bit more precision and even more time to shoot. The idea of it appealing to all ages is positive as the age range asked was from 20 to 40 years of age.
The idea of it being a tribute was one we had from the beginning, and it's good that people are recognising this. Finally the mise-en-scene comments with the bright outfits and props are positive as we hoped to relate the idea of the 70's bright clothing to the video.

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